Monday, October 21, 2019

Pan the God essays

Pan the God essays The great Arcadian god Pan is probably one of the most well known gods in Greek history. Everyone has heard of Pan, and would more than likely recognize him if they saw him today. His unmistakable physique distinguished him from all other gods: He had the feet of a goat, two horns on his forehead, loved noise and dancing, was hairy, dirty, lusty, ugly, and disheveled; yet, in his own way he was a charming creature (Carpenter and Gula, 103). He was considered a lesser divinity of Earth, the god of woods and fields. Pan was very of the people, and was particularly fond of shepherds. He was considered their special protector; in a general sense he was a divinity of the country, of sheep, goats, and other grazing flocks, of forests, valleys, hills, and glens (Carpenter and Gula, 103). He was, on the whole, easy-going and lazy, loving nothing better than his afternoon nap, and revenged himself on those who disturbed him with a sudden loud shout from a grove, or grotto, which made t he hair bristle on their heads, hence where the word panic is said to have been derived from (Graves,101). Pan was the son of Hermes, the Roman god Mercury, who also had duties as protector of flocks and herds, and was the foster brother of Zeus. He was considered a favorite and a delight to all the gods. Pan was also highly regarded as a singer, and it is said that he sometimes even surpassed the birds with his songs. The Homeric Hymns quote similar support; In song he could even outdo that bird which sits among the leaves at flower-rich springtime... (62). It is also said that combined with the clear-voiced mountain nymphs, their sound was overwhelming. Pan had many adventures, and unlike other Grecian deities, Pans adventures were said to be more comical and lighthearted. He was well known for seducing several of the nymphs, most notably Echo, who bore him Iynx. He also boasted to have slept with all of Dionysus&ap...

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